Wednesday, March 07, 2007

My Dad Is Tougher Then Your Dad

Well my dad had knee replacement surgery today. I got a email from my sister and she told me that everything went well. Apparently Billy is in a little bit of pain because this is the first time in 30 years that his knee is actually fully straightened, the tendond arn't use to being so stretched out. During the surgery the doctors also discovered that Billy had a torn ligament from his initial knee injury 30 years ago. So my dad had been walking, golfing, curling and doing many other activities for the past 30 years with a torn ligament. 30 years ago when Billy injured his knee playing football the doctors told him it was just a strain. Upon hearing this my dad said "stupid doctors" And people wondered why I never played football. I like my knees.

The good news is that Billy will be out of the hospital by the weekend and he is suppose to rehab for 6-8 weeks, but anyone who has spent any significant amount of time with my dad knows that he is a stuborn man and as my sister says he will probably try to go back to work in 2 weeks, luckily I will be home by then and I will enforce the rules of rehab.

I don't know if I have mentioned at all in past blogs, but I'm off to New Zealand tomorrow.

Look out Kiwi's, the leader of Christifanity is coming to spread the gospel of the world's greatest unorganized religion


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should buy every episode of ST Voyager and Deep Space Nine and then watch them all with your dad; I would stay home from work for that.

Lt. Commander Tuvok
Security & Tactical Officer