Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Jim Dandy To The Rescue

Tonight sucked!

I spent the day babysitting my neice which was fine, but after I dropped her off things just started to suck. As I was driving home I bumped a curb on Taylor and it caused my tire to go flat. Not having CAA coverage and not wanting to pay for a someone to come put the donut on, I decided to change it myself. This is no big deal I know how to change a tire, my dad showed me one night when he got a flat years ago. So as I get out to start the process of jacking the car up it starts to rain heavily. I hate the rain. So I'm getting soaked, but there are still good people in this world, a guy came and gave me an umbrella. I never got his name, but I would like to say thank you to the dude who lives at 34 Cumberland Cres. Your solid in my book.
Because of the flat I missed going to a movie with M&D, sorry guys. And now I have to go to get this wheel fixed and I may have to buy a new rim which would suck.

This has put me in a bad mood, so I've decided to leave the country in a week and a half.

The Neltoid

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Oh My God It's A Mirage, I'm Telling Ya'll It's A Sabotage

I promised a politcal blog and I am not the kind of guy who breaks promises. So get ready and enjoy my political venom.

I havn't done a politcal blog in a while, so some of my opinions may be on some older issues.

First lets talk about the destruction of Lebanon by Israel. This was a huge disaster for Israel. They destroyed a country that had already denounced Hezbollah. And the Hezbollah soldiers were able to fend off the mighty Israel army. This is only going to make Hezbollah more bold. This war created more supprt for Hezbollah in Lebanon and it weakens the Israeli position in the region.

Next lets talk about Iran.

If any of you are worried about Iran, don't be. Iran wants nuclear power, for energy. Now the US beleives that we can't give Iran any nuclear capabilities because they might create a Nuclear weapon. All reports coming out of Iran are saying they are far away from acheiving nuclear power for energy and if they are far away from having nuclear power for energy then they are really far away from having nuclear weapons. Not to mention the fact that even if you do create a Nuclear weapon you still have to figure out a way to deploy that weapon. And if they even figured out a way to deploy the weapon, there target would likely be Israel, and I don't think they would de dumb enough to risk a nuclear war with Israel, they already have nukes and so does there good friend America.

Some people(Bill O'Reilly) also believe that it is very likely that the US will have to start military action in Iran. And they believe that war would be even more devastating then Iraq. This will never happen. Not enough troops. Besides if they do start a war in Iran, they wouldn't even use troops they would just bomb the shit out of the country. The US wouldn't care about winning over the people of that country.

I read a speech from George W, Bush were he stated that he believed that there is a religious movement going on this world. What kind of Religious movement? Well apparently he thinks that there is a religious movement of people who are supporting him and the war in Iraq. His proof of this is the fact that people have been telling him that they are praying for him. What a crazy asshole.

Well I'm going to go buy an Ipod

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'll Be Calling Out To People Like A Casting Call

The inevitable has happened. It was announced a couple of days ago that there will be a big screen version of The Hobbit. Apparently Peter Jackson hasn't signed on yet to direct, but no one else can direct that movie.

I was covering a shift on the train at the zoo this past Sunday and I ran into an old friend. It was the same old friend you ran into Dave, the one who lives right by you. We had an excellent conversation. I hadn't had a good talk with her for awhile and I really enjoyed talking to her again. She sat upfront and came on a tour with me.

This Friday I'm going to a zoo staff windup. Free supper and bowling. Now I am not the greatest bowler, but I have decided to bring out my inner Lebowski. So I'm going to drink white russians and smoke a J before I go.

I realized that I have not done a political fueled blog lately. So I have decided that the next blog will be all about world politics. So get prepared because I'm going to throw down some mad political knowledge

My trip is coming closer and closer. Last week it all became real when my passport and my eurarail pass came on the same day. I look like a serial killer in my passport photo. Well at least I don't look middle eastern. They totally get racial profiled at airports.


Chris Honcho

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

I would first like to wish all my friends and family who are going back to school a good year. Remember school is cool.

I bought season 2 of LOST yesterday. I have to get my parents caught up on this season before October 4th when season 3 begins. My parents missed the last disc of season 1. They thought the episode where Boone died was the season finally. I got them straightened out.

I also got a new cell phone yesterday. It is much better then my old one. I also switched plans and I now only pay like $20 a month, but I still get a ton of minutes. I decided to take my cell with me to Europe. I won't make calls on it, but I will use it as a clock and alarm clock.

I'm glad to hear you beat Indiana Jones Dave. I know first hand that the last level is insanely tough. You must have spent a lot of time trying to beat it. Kudos.

Later Dudes

Monday, September 04, 2006

In The City Of Compton, We Keep It Rockin'

I had an enjoyable birthday yesterday. I went to the Granary for supper with the fam. I had the Chicken Cordon Blue and salad wagon. Then went back home for presents and birthday pie. I got of bunch of things for my upcoming trip, like a Swiss Army Knife, a small carry on bag, and other small things. I'm having a BBQ at my dad's tonight to celebrate my birth with my dad's side of the family.

After my family stuff was done I went to O'Shea's with Dave. We were met by Twyla and to my surprise Jeff. I thought Jeff was still going to be in Edmonton, it was a nice surprise. Thanks for telling him about the drinking Kim. Bea also joined us. The five of us had some drinks, some laughs, and some good conversation.

I woke up this morning and I was told by my stepbrother that the Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter" had been killed by a stingray. I was in shock. I loved the Croc Hunter. If you scroll down to the previous blogs you will see a picture of Steve.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

I Would Like To Thank My Parents For Bringing Me Into This World

Today is the biggest holiday in the religion of Christifanity. The day of my birth. This is like Christifanity's Christmas. So feel free to give gifts to your loved ones and of course to me.

It's hard to believe that I have been alive for a quarter of a century. So many memories.

For all you true believers who want to celebrate with me this evening, me and some of the prophets will be getting together at O'Shea's around 9-9:30pm. Please call me for any further details.