Monday, February 12, 2007

Friday Night Punani Patrol

Greetings from beautiful Kauai

This place is amazing. You hear things about Hawaii being a magical place, but you do not realize how true that is until you come here.

Everyone flew into Kauai yesterday, it seems like almost everybody has some kind of plane trouble during their adventures to get here. Lots of delays, Joel was robbed at the Vancouver airport and other interesting events. But all of that doesn't matter now because this place kicks some serious ass.

Saturday was great because we all reunited. Everyone was very excited to see everybody else, despite the fact we were all tired and smelly from travelling.

Sunday was aweome. We all got up and had some breakfast, then we all eventually ended up on the beach. I forgot how great it was to just bob and swim in the ocean. All 10 of us who are staying at the party house were all down there at one point. We also soaked up a lot of sun. A few burns were discovered but nothing major. After our afternoon at the beach we went on the much anticipated booze cruise. And the cruise did not disapoint.

There over 30 of us from the Larson-Fast Wedding on the cruise, we basically took over the boat. We sat outside on this floor made from a trampoline and cruised the Pacific ocean while dudes came and gave drinks. We saw some whales which was awesome, at one point they were quite close to the boat. One of the employees decided to serenade Mike and Deanna with some local songs, which included a song called Punani Patrol. Which might be the greatest song ever. The combination of booze and the song was magical. Anna Bond got it on video so hopefully I can get it from her. A bit later after chicken wings and pineapple were served we saw so many dolphins swimming along side the boat. It was truly amazing. They were jumping out of the water and at one point we saw a whale and the dolphins, so cool. The booze cruise will definately be one of the highlights of the trip.

Well that's it for today, I think I'm going to go hop in my Chevy Uplander(best van/SUV ever) and go for drive then probably go to the beach and play in the ocean and work on my tan.

Wish You Were Here



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