Friday, December 15, 2006


I am bored so therefore I am blogging. Nothing new to report.

If I am not mistaking today is the 15th, this means that Nicole is on her way home as I type this. I am envious. I would love to be home for the holidays. I hope everyone in the crew enjoys BC tomorrow someone eat some bacon for me.

My stomach has been bothering me all day. Especially when I sit. Maybe my hernia is exploding(just a joke mom). It is probably gas or something I am sure it will pass with a good nights sleep and no drinking tonight. I usually do not put personnal things like this on my blog, but hey, got to type something.

I appreciated the CHRIStmas greetings Luke.

I am guaranteeing new pictures on my next post. If I don't have new pics up may my hernia explode(again, mom I am fine, stop worrying).

Feliz Navidad in 10 days


1 comment:

Chip said...

I would eat a whole pig for you my man friend