Thursday, May 25, 2006

I hope you all enjoy the new blog.

If you are Mike Larson don't read this blog!

The season finale of LOST last night was awesome. As with last years saeson finale I have more questions then answers. Questions like are Echo, Locke, and Desmond alive, where are the others taking Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. What's the deal with the foot staue with 4 toes. And will Penelope be able to find the Island. I can't believe that I will have to wait three and a half months to find these things out.

I didn't expect Henry Gale to be the leader of the "Others" When he said that they were the "good guys" then who are the "bad guys" I think the "Others" must have another island or secret base not on the island. I figured a while ago tha Desmond was probably responsible for the plane crash. The guy who brought Desmond to the hatch was the militray officer who convinces Sayid to torture his fellow Iraqi's in Sayid's last flashback episode. I think Libby is going to appear in a lot of backstories next year.

Predictions for next year: With Jack's absense Sayid steps up and takes charge of the survivors. Walt convinces Michael that they have to go back and rescue the other survivors. I think if anyone can find the island again it would be Walt with his special powers, or the compass directions Henry Gale gives Michael leads them back to the beach with the other survivors.

Well that's it for now. I'll have some non LOST related things to say tomorrow


Chip said...

Very nice blog mister.

Did you read my thoughts on LOST.

Chip said...

What Conversation?

What did I write that pissed you off?