Thursday, July 06, 2006

8675309, I Got, I Got, I Got, For A Good Time Call

I am back from my little vacation.

It was very relaxing. I sat on the beach, I went for hikes, I drank nothing but beer and water, I had gourmet meals and the best part is that I paid for none of it.

On the way home I was by myself and I found myself rocking out to Ashlee Simpson. Damn Saskatchewan radio. I could have kept this to myself, but I decided that it was best to share this embarassing moment.

When I was a kid and on a road trip I would always pretend that we were racing the other cars. When ever my dad would pass somebody I would think that we were beating the people we passed. I still think this today. I am a passing machine!

I found myself bored some nights. When your living a suite with a 2 year old you can't really be noisy at night, so here are some pictures of me bored in my room.


Chip said...

Is that Tommy Tutone

"Jenny don't change your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny I got your number"

Dudes got issues

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.